use crate::{
abs, broadcast_to, ceil, clip, expand_dims, floor,
indexing::{ArrayIndex, ArrayIndexOp, Ellipsis, IndexOp, NewAxis, TryIndexOp},
use crate::utils::SingleOrVec;
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub enum UpsampleMode {
Linear {
align_corners: bool,
Cubic {
align_corners: bool,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, ModuleParameters)]
#[module(root = crate)]
pub struct Upsample {
pub scale_factor: SingleOrVec<f32>,
pub mode: UpsampleMode,
impl Upsample {
pub fn new(scale_factor: impl Into<SingleOrVec<f32>>, mode: UpsampleMode) -> Self {
let scale_factor = scale_factor.into();
Upsample { scale_factor, mode }
fn forward_inner(&self, x: &Array, scale: &[f32]) -> Result<Array, Exception> {
match self.mode {
UpsampleMode::Nearest => upsample_nearest(x, scale),
UpsampleMode::Linear { align_corners } => {
interpolate(x, scale, linear_indices, align_corners)
UpsampleMode::Cubic { align_corners } => {
interpolate(x, scale, cubic_indices, align_corners)
impl Module<&Array> for Upsample {
type Error = Exception;
type Output = Array;
fn forward(&mut self, x: &Array) -> Result<Self::Output, Self::Error> {
let dimensions = x.ndim() - 2;
if dimensions == 0 {
return Err(Exception::custom(format!(
"[Upsample] The input should have at least
1 spatial dimension which means it should be at least
3D but {}D was provided",
match &self.scale_factor {
SingleOrVec::Single(scale) => {
let scale = vec![*scale; dimensions];
self.forward_inner(x, &scale[..])
SingleOrVec::Vec(scales) => self.forward_inner(x, &scales[..]),
fn training_mode(&mut self, _mode: bool) {}
fn upsample_nearest(x: &Array, scale: &[f32]) -> Result<Array, Exception> {
let dimensions = x.ndim() - 2;
if dimensions != scale.len() {
return Err(Exception::custom(format!(
"The number of scale factors ({}) must match the number of spatial dimensions ({})",
let int_scales = scale.iter().map(|&s| s as i32).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let int_float_scales = int_scales.iter().map(|&s| s as f32).collect::<Vec<_>>();
if int_float_scales == scale {
let mut shape = x.shape().to_vec();
(0..dimensions).for_each(|d| {
shape.insert(2 + 2 * d, 1);
let mut x = x.reshape(&shape)?;
(0..dimensions).for_each(|d| {
shape[2 + 2 * d] = int_scales[d];
x = broadcast_to(&x, &shape)?;
(0..dimensions).for_each(|d| {
shape[d + 1] *= shape[d + 2];
shape.remove(d + 2);
x = x.reshape(&shape)?;
} else {
let shape_len = x.shape().len();
let N = &x.shape()[1..shape_len - 1];
let mut indices: Vec<ArrayIndexOp> = vec![(..).index_op()];
for (i, (n, s)) in N.iter().zip(scale.iter()).enumerate() {
indices.push(nearest_indices(*n, *s, i, dimensions)?.index_op());
type IndexWeight = (Array, Array);
type IndicesFn = fn(i32, f32, bool, usize, usize) -> Result<Vec<IndexWeight>, Exception>;
fn interpolate(
x: &Array,
scale: &[f32],
indices_fn: IndicesFn,
align_corners: bool,
) -> Result<Array, Exception> {
let dimensions = x.ndim() - 2;
if dimensions != scale.len() {
return Err(Exception::custom(format!(
"The number of scale factors ({}) must match the number of spatial dimensions ({})",
let N = &x.shape()[1..x.ndim() - 1];
let mut index_weights = Vec::with_capacity(N.len());
for (i, (n, s)) in N.iter().zip(scale.iter()).enumerate() {
index_weights.push(indices_fn(*n, *s, align_corners, i, dimensions)?);
let prod = product(&index_weights);
let mut samples = Vec::with_capacity(prod.len());
let mut weights = Vec::with_capacity(prod.len());
for index_weight in prod {
let (index, weight): (Vec<&Array>, Vec<&Array>) =
index_weight.iter().map(|(i, w)| (i, w)).unzip();
let mut index_ops = index.iter().map(|i| i.index_op()).collect::<Vec<_>>();
let mut sample_indices = vec![(..).index_op()];
sample_indices.append(&mut index_ops);
let acc = &weights[0] * &samples[0];
.try_fold(acc, |acc, (w, s)| acc.add(w.multiply(s)?))
fn product<T>(values: &[Vec<T>]) -> Vec<Vec<&T>> {
if values.is_empty() {
return vec![];
let per_tuple = values[0].len();
let count = (0..values.len()).fold(1, |acc, _| acc * per_tuple);
let mut result = Vec::with_capacity(count);
for result_index in 0..count {
let mut items = vec![];
let mut index_generator = result_index;
for value in values {
let index = index_generator % per_tuple;
index_generator /= per_tuple;
fn nearest_indices(
dimension: i32,
scale: f32,
dim: usize,
ndim: usize,
) -> Result<Array, Exception> {
scaled_indices(dimension, scale, true, dim, ndim).and_then(|i| i.as_type::<i32>())
fn linear_indices(
dimension: i32,
scale: f32,
align_corners: bool,
dim: usize,
ndim: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<IndexWeight>, Exception> {
let mut indices = scaled_indices(dimension, scale, align_corners, dim, ndim)?;
indices = clip(&indices, (0, dimension - 1))?;
let indices_left = floor(&indices)?;
let indices_right = ceil(&indices)?;
let weight = expand_dims(&indices.subtract(&indices_left)?, &[-1])?;
let indices_left = indices_left.as_type::<i32>()?;
let indices_right = indices_right.as_type::<i32>()?;
(indices_left, array!(1.0) - &weight),
(indices_right, weight),
fn cubic_indices(
dimension: i32,
scale: f32,
align_corners: bool,
dim: usize,
ndim: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<IndexWeight>, Exception> {
let indices = scaled_indices(dimension, scale, align_corners, dim, ndim)?;
let mut indices_l1 = floor(&indices)?;
let mut indices_r1 = floor(&(&indices + 1))?;
let mut indices_l2 = (&indices_l1) - 1;
let mut indices_r2 = (&indices_r1) + 1;
let weight_l1 = compiled_get_weight1(&indices, &indices_l1)?.index((Ellipsis, NewAxis));
let weight_r1 = compiled_get_weight1(&indices, &indices_r1)?.index((Ellipsis, NewAxis));
let weight_l2 = compiled_get_weight2(&indices, &indices_l2)?.index((Ellipsis, NewAxis));
let weight_r2 = compiled_get_weight2(&indices, &indices_r2)?.index((Ellipsis, NewAxis));
indices_l1 = clip(&indices_l1, (0, dimension - 1))?.as_type::<i32>()?;
indices_r1 = clip(&indices_r1, (0, dimension - 1))?.as_type::<i32>()?;
indices_l2 = clip(&indices_l2, (0, dimension - 1))?.as_type::<i32>()?;
indices_r2 = clip(&indices_r2, (0, dimension - 1))?.as_type::<i32>()?;
(indices_l1, weight_l1),
(indices_r1, weight_r1),
(indices_l2, weight_l2),
(indices_r2, weight_r2),
fn compiled_get_weight1(ind: &Array, grid: &Array) -> Result<Array, Exception> {
let get_weight1 = |(ind_, grid_): (&Array, &Array)| {
let a = -0.75;
let x = abs(ind_ - grid_)?;
Ok((array!(a + 2.0) * &x - array!(a + 3.0)) * &x * &x + 1.0)
let mut compiled = compile(get_weight1, true);
compiled((ind, grid))
fn compiled_get_weight2(ind: &Array, grid: &Array) -> Result<Array, Exception> {
let get_weight2 = |(ind_, grid_): (&Array, &Array)| {
let a = -0.75;
let x = abs(ind_ - grid_)?;
Ok((((&x - 5.0) * &x + 8.0) * &x - 4.0) * a)
let mut compiled = compile(get_weight2, true);
compiled((ind, grid))
fn scaled_indices(
N: i32,
scale: f32,
align_corners: bool,
dim: usize,
ndim: usize,
) -> Result<Array, Exception> {
let M = (scale * N as f32) as i32;
let indices = match align_corners {
true => {
Array::from_iter(0..M, &[M]).as_type::<f32>()? * ((N as f32 - 1.0) / (M as f32 - 1.0))
false => {
let step = 1.0 / scale;
let start = ((M as f32 - 1.0) * step - N as f32 + 1.0) / 2.0;
Array::from_iter(0..M, &[M]).as_type::<f32>()? * step - start
let mut shape = vec![1; ndim];
shape[dim] = -1;
mod tests {
use crate::assert_array_eq;
use super::*;
fn test_nearest() {
let input = array!([1, 2, 3, 4], shape = [1, 2, 2, 1]);
let mut up = Upsample::new(2.0, UpsampleMode::Nearest);
let result = up.forward(&input).and_then(|r| r.squeeze(None)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result.shape(), &[4, 4]);
let expected = array!(
[1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, 4, 4],
shape = [4, 4]
assert_eq!(result, expected);
fn test_linear() {
let input = array!([1, 2, 3, 4], shape = [1, 2, 2, 1]);
let mut up = Upsample::new(
UpsampleMode::Linear {
align_corners: false,
let result = up.forward(&input).and_then(|r| r.squeeze(None)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result.shape(), &[4, 4]);
let expected = array!(
1.0, 1.25, 1.75, 2.0, 1.5, 1.75, 2.25, 2.5, 2.5, 2.75, 3.25, 3.5, 3.0, 3.25, 3.75,
shape = [4, 4]
assert_eq!(result, expected);
fn test_cubic() {
let input = array!([1, 2, 3, 4], shape = [1, 2, 2, 1]);
let mut up = Upsample::new(
UpsampleMode::Cubic {
align_corners: false,
let result = up.forward(&input).and_then(|r| r.squeeze(None)).unwrap();
assert_eq!(result.shape(), &[4, 4]);
let expected = array!(
0.683594, 1.01562, 1.5625, 1.89453, 1.34766, 1.67969, 2.22656, 2.55859, 2.44141,
2.77344, 3.32031, 3.65234, 3.10547, 3.4375, 3.98438, 4.31641
shape = [4, 4]
assert_array_eq!(result, expected, 1e-5);